Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It delays aging, making you look and feel much younger for a prolonged period of time. It fights free radicals that can cause serious diseases in the future.
Strengthens the cardiovascular system. It widens blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, provides energy to your life, complements the vitamin you can get from food in your daily intake, helps the body to properly use vitamin K, strengthens the immune system so that the body stands firm against viruses and bacteria, protects tissues and organs.
Vitamin E is considered the “Vitamin of Youth” due to its properties and benefits in reducing the symptoms of deterioration that we suffer as time goes by. It stands out for its work as an antioxidant and for combating the immunosuppression that occurs in the last stages of life.
Vitamin E, being able to oxidize within the body, acts as a “bodyguard” for other substances as it acts as an antioxidant because, by destroying itself, it protects polyunsaturated fats and other fat-soluble substances such as vitamin A from destruction by oxygen. It is also a potent antioxidant that protects neurons against damage caused by oxidative stress, reducing the onset of neurodegenerative processes.
Neutralizes the effect of free radicals, which are unstable molecules that seek to regain equilibrium from other surrounding cells, especially important in the lungs.
Affects the endocrine and nervous system, exerting a modulating action to regulate hormonal balance.
Strengthens the lining of the skin’s blood capillaries.
Helps to mitigate hair fragility and hair loss.
Demonstrates effectiveness in calming premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual symptoms